Monday, June 14, 2010

Hi and Lo - the Bay of Fundy

Day 2.5 - 1000 km (more or less...)

Heading towards the Bay of Fundy.

Low tide all the way to the bay...all the rivers are empty.

The rock formations are beautiful and there are 'tide sweepers' in yellow vests everywhere to make sure you leave before the tide comes in. It comes in at a rate of one foot every six minutes. That's fast.

There are 2 lows and 2 highs per day and the cycle is 12.4 hours.

There is a mik'maq legend that explains how these rocks were formed. The giant whales that lived in the bay enslaved the Mik'maq and when they tried to escape, the angry whales turned them into stone as punishment for running away.

Another legend involves a monster that enslaved the Mik'maq and sent them to catch porpoises. When they tried to escape, the monster turned them into stone.

Similar stories, two versions. We couldn't help thinking of the Lot's wife story. and also the flood...

Still low can see Tony amongst the tourists, walking on the ocean's floor.

Some things the tide left behind

Chocolate milk. We did pass a Chocolate River on the way here.

Now for high tide:

One of the empty rivers. Now pretty full.

The bay. Ditto.

the rocks

We didn't wait to see the tide go as high as it could, but it was still impressive.

some of the rocks partly submerged.

All sorts of creatures used to live in this place.

The father of confederation's house is just around the corner.

...and finally. More Lupines.

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