Monday, June 14, 2010

Prince Edward Island

1,800 km and 3 days on the road.
Just got on the Confederation Bridge. 13 KM of bridge! Kinda neat. We are making a 'small' detour that will take us through PEI. In through the Confederation Bridge a couple of hours drive south east, and off the island via the ferry to Nova Scotia.

The whole Island smells like potatoes. It could be that it's because we passed a McCain plant though.

The red traffic lights are square...the yellow are diamond shape, and the green is round. Genius.

We took a wrong turn and came across an abandoned archaeological site:
Port-La-Joye-Fort Amherst National Historic Site

I tried it out. It works really well. I need a 'like' button.

The ferry to Nova Scotia. We almost missed it. We forgot to turn the clock to eastern time and thought that we are an hour early and were really surprised that the raised the gates after we drove in.

a baby light house on the way to sea.

Nice sunset on board the ferry. The deck was white.

This little piggy went to market. Squealing all the way.

Poor piggies. Word of advice if you are planning to take the ferry: take some rags that you can throw away so that you can wipe your feet before getting into the car...the floor of the ferry is wet and the liquid smells suspiciously like fish guts. That and the pig smell may stay with us for a long time.

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